
August 13 2005
well i had like the best night i've had in a REALLY long time. Alyssa was home for this weekend i guess, and we went to Pizza Bell, Sonic, Fantastic 4, and Starbucks. i haven't laughed that hard in a while. plus it was with people i don't really get to hang around, so it was even funner.

oh and apparently i'm in a fight with some girls in Tampa, who were being really mean to my friend so i called them sluts and now they're IMing me and commenting on my xanga saying i smoke pot and do shrooms. yeah and they can't spell worth a flip.

i find it kinda amusing...

photo from blue_lips

chels, em, and me

photo from blue_lips
being silly

photo from blue_lips
can't wait!!!

photo from blue_lips
Seanie and Alyssa

photo from blue_lips
mmm Mint Chocolate Chip Frappacino!!!

Laura Polis

August 14 2005
well since i'm in orlando, you just direct those girls to me, and i'll take them down for ya ;)

Dana Yo

August 14 2005
awww I'm glad she got to come in again