3 movies= 2 days

July 02 2005
"Like oh my Gosh, like where's my dog?"

bewitched was really good. Nicole Kidman was kinda unbelievable being THAT dumb. Will Ferrell was hilarious, and they kept bringing in things that he had made fun of on SNL. like Jeopardy and James Lipton. :P

War of the Worlds was good too. they didn't explain a lot of stuff, but it'd be a good date movie, if you know what i mean :)

everyone go watch the Elizabethtown trailer!!

E-Town Trailer

Jessica Byrd

July 02 2005
Bewitched was a good movie.

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

July 02 2005
man, I want to see that movie! War of the Worlds, I mean

Jane Woodard

July 03 2005
i want to see e-town so badly

the brian king kenobi

July 03 2005
i want to see those sometime . . .