Ben Moser


Relationship Status



April 03 2006

Kelsey looking out the plane window.

chapel tiles

sky the morning we left harlingen, tx. for aldama, mexico

looking out of the front door in harlingen.

front of the building in harlingen.

boys bunks in aldama.

during packing outreach. nice pose shelbs.

lunch one day.

martha, works with way of the cross, worship leader during chapel services.

shelby stole the camera.

Don and Ginger's Ranch in Aldama.

view from the ranch.

all of us at the ranch.

on our way to the first village on the first day.

singing at the first village.

katie giving her testimony.

second village, first day.

christina giving her testimony.

kari giving her testimony.

bruce preaching.

jake and shiann.

the lady's that invited us over for food's house.

cool little girl who played monkey in the middle with katie and i.

brian modeling kelsey's jacket.

kaitlin and a little mexican boy.

brian on a leash. <whipped noise>. lol.

brian on a different kind of leash. haha.



first village, second day.

sarah giving her testimony.

brian giving his testimony.

next village second day.

brother ben and the school superintendent of the school district we went to in mexico.

bruce and patti.

monica lewinski, me, sasquatch.

third village, second day.

kelsey giving her testimony.

fourth village, second day.

the beach. *sigh*.

the beach at sunset. *siiiiiigh*

going to get baptized.

Goodman going under.

brian's ugly hair. its actually katie's hair. on brian.

look, its kate hudson!


gorgeous + gorgeous.

Brian proposes...

5 day old colt with mom.

first village third day.

second village third day.

mrs. patti giving her testimony.

kelsey giving the camera the bird. lol.

third village third day. a classroom during school. how cool is that.

fourth village, third day. huge crowd.

spreading out to give outreach away in an orderly manner.  these circles were huuuuuuuge.

there is a bigger boys circle behind this girls circle in the front.

our van in the sea of people.

mexican. christian. garageband. sweeeeeeeeeeet. the best part was singing worship songs in both english and spanish at the same time.

kelsey lost the candy bar fight. haha. who doesnt love nougat. lol.

there is no fan beyond the photo.  that is au natural.

salomon and i.  he is the coolest. ever.

brother ben and ben. i mean me.  he was very cool as well. just not as cool as salomon.

the azul group minus salomon.

the azul group with salomon.

patti, me, bruce.

aaron shew!

tony and his wife with the colemans.


the tropic of cancer.

manzanita sol ads.

stop en espagnol.

sleepy kid.

two places at once?

dont mind if i do.


entering neuvo progresso.

the three true seniors.

it was a long week...we were crazy.

at applebees.

woohoo david too.

very nice shelbs.

green limes on a green plate.

jake johnson!!!

shiann johnson!!!

jake and shiann johnson!!!

goodman dancing around a pole...

shew doing the same...

hunter going horizontal.

i had a manzanita sol today.

sweet apple goodness.

what an amazing trip.

i'll never be the same.

i love you all.


Britt Rogers

April 03 2006
wow! that looks like it was crazy fun! like a lot. i'm pretty jealous. -Britt

elizabeth duncan

April 03 2006
okay, we all know i usually hate lots of pictures in entries because it takes forever to load...but i really enjoyed looking at these. and i looked at every single one, even had a running commentary in my head - ha! looks like it was incredible...can't wait to hear about it!


April 04 2006
Awesome pictures. It looks like y'all had an incredible time. Thanks for the update!

Betsy Wetsy

April 04 2006
those are amazing Ben! it is SO beautiful down there...


April 04 2006
cool!! the mexico trip was one of my favorite parts of the years at belleaire. hope ya had a blast and got some good chill time with God.

beth cooper

April 04 2006
what do you mean you use a cell phone?

beth cooper

April 04 2006
oh, yeah, i was afraid of gettin caught

kaitlin gay

April 09 2006
i miss it.. SOO bad! ahh.. i want to go back =) it was an amazing trip! im so glad that we got to experience that! hopefully all of us can go back again next year. it was so good getting to know you, ben moser! hope you have a great week! i shall see you wednesday--


April 09 2006
hey!!! did u have fun in Texas?


April 09 2006
nope he wouldnt!! lol welp u can call me tomorrow!!! did u make my cd yet?lol


April 09 2006
that so cool!!! thank you!!!


April 09 2006
i didnt go to church cause i'm still on the sick side but today was okay!!!! i'm going to go sleep now!!! ttyl!!! goodnite!!!


April 10 2006
Thanx for the cds!!!!

Nathan Moore

April 12 2006
Ben... GREAT PHOTOS! I almost feel like I was there... See you soon!


April 14 2006
No i wouldnt do that. my dad might kill you. lol j/k


April 14 2006
okay sure! whatever floats your boat.


April 14 2006
no! i didnt mean it like that!