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I'm home!!!!!!

July 09 2005
I'm home and I had a blast!!!! Anyone miss me!? lol!! jk! ;) love ya'll lots!! Also... I know this will be long, but I'd like to share with ya'll something I read outta the book Captivating:
God's Heart For Relationship
The vast desire and capacity a woman has for intimate relationships tells us of God's vast desire and capacity for intimate relationships. In fact, this may be the most important thing we ever learn about God- that he yearns for relationship with us. "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God" (John 17:3). The whole story of the Bible is a love story between God and his people. He yearns for us. He cares. He has a tender heart. (Verses) Isa. 49:14-15,18; Jer. 24:7; Matt. 23:37.
What a comfort to know that this universe we live in is relational at its core, that our God is a tenderhearted God who yearns for relationship with us. If you have any doubt about that, simply look at the message he sent us in Woman. Amazing. Not only does God long for us, but he longs to be loved by us. Oh, how we've missed this. How many of you see God as longing to be loved by you? We see him as strong and powerful, but not as needing us, vulnerable to us, yearning to be desired. But as I wrote in Wild at Heart, "After years of hearing the heart-cry of women, I am convinced beyond a doubt of this: God wants to be loved. He wants to be a priority to someone. How oculd we have missed this? From cover to cover, from beginning to end, the cry of God's heart is, "Why won't you choose me?" It is amazing to me how humble, how vulnerable God is on this point. "You will find me," says the Lord,"when you seek me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13) In other words, "Look for me, pursue me- I want you to pursue me." Amazing. As Tozer says," God waits to be wanted."
Can there be any doubt that God wants to be sought after? The first and greatest of all commands is to love him (Mark 12:29-30, Matt. 22:36-38) He wants us to love him. To seek him with all our hears. A woman longs to be sought after, too, with the whole heart of her pursuer. God longs to be desired. Just as a woman longs to be desired. This is not some weakness or insecurity of the part of a woman, that deep yearing to be desired. "Take me for longing," Alison Krauss sings,"or leave me behind." God feels the same way. Remember the story of Martha and Mary? Mary chose God, and Jesus said that that is what he wanted. "Mary has chosen what is better" (Luke 10:42) She chose me.
Life changes dramatically when romance comes into our lives. Christianity changes dramatically when we discover that it, too, is a great romance. That God yearns to share a life of beauty, intimacy, and adventure with us. "I have loved you with an EVERLASTING love" (Jer. 31:3). This whole world was made for romance- the rivers and the glens, the meadows and beaches. Flowers, music, a kiss. But we have a way of forgetting all that, losing ouselves in work and worry. Eve- God's message to the world in feminine form- invites us to romance. Through her, God makes romance a priority of the universe. So God endows Woman with certain qualities that are essential to relationship, qualities that speak of God. She is inviting. She is vulnerable. She is tender. She embodies mercy. She is also fierce and fiercely devoted. As the old saying goes, " Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." That's just how God acts when he isn't chosen. "I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not share your affection with any other god!" (Ex. 20:5 NLT). A woman's righteous jealousy speaks of the jealousy of God for us. Tender and inviting, intimate and alluring, fiercely devoted. Oh yes, our God has a passionate, romantic heart. Just look at Eve.
*Ya'll...............all I can say is WOW!!!! I'm amazed to see how God is constinlty teaching me things and having me gain a deeper understanding!! PRAISE GOD!!! God.....I want to be fiercely devoted to you!!! And you alone!! God you're the only one who can make my heart skip a beat and have me stop breathing all at the same time!! So many times have I stood in awe of you...and to me that's the best place in the world!! In front of you....amazed at all You are!!! Many my heart only belong to you!! May I choose you!! And forever hang on to that!! I love you!! Thank you!!.......Ya'll who will you choose?! A God who is always trying to woe you!? A God that is hopelessly romantic and knows the deepest desires of your heart...who holds on and PROTECTS (doesn't destory) your dreams!? Or something that will not only leave you brokenhearted?! That's another awesome thing about God....even if you choose the other...He still waits for you to choose Him! And He's there placing your brokenheart back together!! Wow....HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!!

Rachael Moore

July 10 2005
aww wow amber! i so want to read that book! that is an awesome post! i love you and missed you soooo much! i was thinking we should hang out later today if you are'nt to busy or tired. call me or something! i lovelovelove you!!! you are truly beautiful on the outside and inside! i can't wait to see what wonderful plans God has waiting for you!


July 10 2005
Yay, Amber's home!


July 10 2005
that was amazing! that blessed me soo much amber! wow i've gotta read that book! lol! i'm glad ur home & it was great getting to see you today @ church! love you girl!


July 12 2005
i missed you, you hott mama!