
September 10 2008
(men's poem)

I can't repeat the words I dare not say. 

I want to love you but I don't know they way...

Ha that rhymed.

It is just I don't have the time...ed

no no no.

Why can't I say what is obviously true.  

Do not ask what is wrong. Confront me.

With us nothing ever is.  

It never had to do with any of that.

Hanzel is the name of my cat.

It is not that I wanna be right, I just don't wanna be left.

Dirty liberals.

When will the scars from my fights be battle scars?  

Mirrors are fake because they show the outside you.

And no it has nothing to do with your shoe.

Everyone is always saying life is short.

Then why do you hold back so much?

How much must I bleed to have bled?  

Should you really live for the moment or the long term?

My father would be proud of me? Don’t bring him into this.

Just simply you and me.

I think all of that mess is people on myspace trying to write love poems.

Is it a love poem if it is about you, my love?

Or is it a love poem because it is about love?

I was once told by a person that whatever decision I made they would stand behind me.

Now that I did what they wanted me to. Where did they go?

He is like the crap on my boot, it doesn’t phase me.

What to do when you have stalled your car,

and no one has jumper cables.

But aren't we all driving this car, called life man? -That 70's Show.

I can take the hit but thinking about the bruise makes me flinch.

Sis pacis , instruo pro bellum. 

I will fight if you give me something worth fighting for.

This is the story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world.

What about everything I am missing?

What about everything I will miss?

What about her?

What happens then? 

Where will you be in the end?

Will you stand or bend?

Kill me and I will rise to raise revenge.

Offer me surrender and I will fight harder till you beg for it.

 Trying to find the perfect ending.

Either way it will end with one of 3 ways so why not all three?

