The Heart of Worship (I'm coming back)

December 17 2007
Have you ever came away from a church and thought to yourself wow that worship really didn't do much for me? I have. Ever kinda thought wow that band could have been better...that singer missed a note and kinda hit  a few flat spots? I have came away from a few churches critizing their bands. Then I kinda got to thinking...and listening to Pastor Pete. Worship has nothing to do with you, or what you think of it. Well it does have to do with you doing it. A lot of people who go to church seem to think "well I don't really worship, when they are singing...I just don't worship. There are groups of people who worship and who don't. I am in th don't." The fact is EVERYONE worships. Even if you are an athiest you worship something. It is just a matter of what it is. I can garentee you that the person who "doesn't worship" goes home and tries to be as popular as they can.  Or as accepted as possible. That is a form of worship...not good but it is still a form. Who or What you worship can form you. You can and will become a reflection of what you worship. If you worship popularity then you will become the world. If you worship acceptance then you will become a slave of everyone around you. If you worship the almight God then you will become more rightous in the things you do. So everyone worships it just depends who or what you worship that shapes you. Also how you worship can shape you. If you only worship once a week in a church to the song "Just as I Am" During the alter call that lasts for 20 min and in your opinion you think is 19 1/2 minutes too long. Then yeah it will be harder for you. But if you worship God 24/7 (wow a lot a fractions in 2 1/2 sentences...ahh can't stop!!!) in everything you do then it really means something. If you randomly find yourself doing something that you could not worship God while doing then why are you doing it? Just something to ask yourself during the day. Have a good one.