Different but the Same?

November 29 2007

Why is it that I feel different and the same all in one?

How can I do things different but see things the same?

Do I have alternate motives for you? or for me?

Why are there these other thoughts haunting me?

If I am not ready to jump then why do I try to fly?

If I know my max then why do I put 10 more pounds on the bar?

I don't look back

I look beside me to see what my shadow is.

My shadow is dark with these other feelings, 

How can you fight something that is not real?

Or is it real, how can I tell?

What makes something real?  

I can't see what is there but I know it is.

I can feel what is there but I can't touch it.

I can't fight what has been but I can move what is in front of me.

Can you remeove the black that follows me?

Do I want it to be removed, or is it what keeps me knowing what is real?

If you hate me then why do you say you love me?

If you ask for the truth then why do you deny it?

If you beg me then why do you push me so hard away? 

Where am I going to be with all of this?

Will you be there too, or do you fight hard in the other direction?  

Erin:: lub my flower.

November 29 2007
you have just hit another level of what the heck? in the i thought i understood you catagory in my brain!!!!!

Kaelynn Malugin

November 29 2007

At the Crossroads of Life

November 29 2007
That's pretty interesting...