It is a weird feeling.

November 21 2007

I feel that at moments I must remind myself that I am alive. Thing have been going pretty good for me for the past few months, not perfect but better than before. I seem, I hate the phase "on fire for God," or "spirtually high" But I feel like I am in a pretty good place. Things are going pretty good all around. There are times where I seem like I am having a good day but I am probably having a great one. I don't let my emotions show really at all. I am cool with that. Ok so do you think that you would rather have on arm or leg that is weak and your the rest of your body be strong or would you rather your whole body be at the same place? But anyways I felt for the longest time that I was on auto piolet but then I realized I am just doing really good, Austin you are not used to this feeling, and you like it. I am not saying I don't need to work on things becasue I do, I would love to improve in my relationships, with God, my family and Elizabeth. Not other people, I hate people (true story) Not that I hate you ( I might ) but...oh well if you really want to know you can message me. But yeah I am kinda cool with this right here this feeling this life. I am at a point where I am really kinda happy with myself. Good job Austin you finally did something right. Thanks for the help all of you who did. Have a great Thanks Giving. I am sure that we all have something to be mad at but I bet all of those things don't come close to how manythings you have to be thankful for. That was kinda like a before we pray kinda thing at thanks giving dinner. Oh well I am done with my rambling now.



Oh look for the song of the week sometime tomorrow morning.  

Kaelynn Malugin

November 21 2007
woa.. I had a hard time following that and at the same time I so got it

Erin:: lub my flower.

November 22 2007
Okay.. so i just want you to know that you really challenge me in many wayswith your life & i heard this today & for some reason its brings me to think of this blog, and something you said to me but when things get rough in life its not neccassarily you or me, just the course of life itself & your right we all have lots to be thankful for :)