March 03 2007

You guys are so much fun I love geeks...unless you don't like being called a geek..so please don't like trojan my computer or anything. My cousin likes being called a geek, I hope to learn many things from him.  

Erin:: lub my flower.

March 03 2007
oh that awesome =0 i guess

Michael Burton

March 03 2007
so...what brought that on?

Jacob Wuertz

March 04 2007
see below mike

Jacob Wuertz

March 04 2007
Well today is going to be a fun day! I am going to go to my fav. coffee place HOUSE BLEND! Then just walk around down town.( entry from austin, but it was in binary)(ha, Geek Squad may not be kool but we can make your computer implode'(HA)')