
September 29 2005
do ya ever have one of those weeks were everything goes wrong? and ya just kinda sit back and wonder what you're really doing here? well, this past week was certainly NOT one of those weeks for me!

dude, this week has been wonderful. it was refreshing to not be in nursery or be teaching a bible study on sunday. besides running around getting permission slips copied on a broken copier and things like that, i was able to just enjoy being at church. the after school program on monday stretched me a bit. i realized that even though the ladies don't have any real discipline problems, i still can't run the whole thing by myself. i need help! and then tuesday and wednesday were both wonderfully smooth days for the after school program. a few of the highlights:

*the ladies are starting to embrace the devotion time and have a ton of questions
*angel listened to christian music and loved it
*a 30 minute french lesson with a few of the ladies that didn't have homework-and are actually taking french
*we've established some order, as far as schedule and discipline go

and then today-training was alright. but that whole-not being worth anything for a couple of hours after lunch-really kicked in and i got quite bored. but whatever, all is good. and then had the opportunity to get things accomplished for the concert series.

DEC 3 @ 6PM-first concert at graffiti...with focus definitely coming. the other artists are still being decided on. and we've got a show cookin up for sometime in march. and then a festival/block party type of thing for june with a lot of different artists.

God is good...i could've just said that at the beginning and then not have to write anything else.


September 30 2005
that was so cool to hear! i come back tomorrow. we'll have to hang out!