i swear

November 26 2005

*i place my left hand on a bible and raise my right hand*  i swear to tell the truth, the whole truth...oh wait, i swear to take more pictures than i have in the past 6 months!

so here a few of the pics from the past month and a half...

iris and niki on the way to the college retreat (the first of 9 days of rain)

7 of 11 youth ladies that i enjoy being with during the after school program

clothing sale on the street corner of 7th st & ave B

adele (tim's favorite smelling person at graffiti-and she gives lotsa kisses too!)

just tryin to find a scarf for the harsh winter ahead

jill and i after the clothing sale

lorie, niki, me, and maria...at the church retreat (which was the first day of sunshine after the flood)

miss maggy...big enough to be a two year old, but not quite one yet

silly mal...as usual

the three babies of the family...maggy, mal, and me

and i promise not to post all the pics at the same time either :)