
November 06 2005

Hey Everybody!

Well i have had a pretty crappy weekend! We lost our football game on Friday! It was so sad! I dont think i have cried like that in a while! It is so hard leaving something that you love! I really got a realitiy check when i woke up on Saturday Morning at 6am and said "WOW FOOTBALL IS OVER!" i layed back down and started to cry again and felt so depressed! It is so hard knowing that i will NEVER EVER step out on that field again! But, it is time to move on! Their r several good things! I will be able to get better grades, go back to church, and HAVE A JOB!

How was the Fall Retreat! I really wanted to go but, things just didn't work out! I hope everyone had fun!

On thursday and friday i went on this retreat w/ my student council! We did this rope course and i did it two times and then i did it blind folded! It was great! I learned so much about myself and how far i could actually push myself! I had a blast! So i wanna hear about the fall retreat! I hope to see some of yall at church on Wenesday!

I got my braces off the other day! IT feels GREAT!


Rachael Moore

November 06 2005
i am sorry that you guys lost... i too have cried over football... i remember when riverdale lost their first home game... it was so sad... but God will fill that spot with something... and i am glad that you can start going to church again! i have missed you! fall retreat was good. wish you could of been there. and yay for you getting your braces off! can't wait to see! hope you have a GREAT week!


November 07 2005
i love you!!!! i know what your going through! i went through it to! if you need me let me know!