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In A Relationship


April 28 2006

I am sunburnt.

BUT THATS OK.  I put aloe vera on it and its all good now.

Field day was today..and was interesting. Quite emotionally distressing on someone though...** you know who you are**

and I love that person oh so very much because they got through it with the minimum amount of tears. you go girl.

Well I have dance tomorrow from 8:30-11:30 and then from im pretty much going to be tired when i wake up in the morning...gah..i hate waking up early.

I havn't spoken to Laura Liz in a while..and I miss her dearly.

Tyler sent me flowers :)   :)

That made me extra super amazingly wonderfully happy.

We are watching the LeonardoDiCaprio version of Romeo and Juliet in English..and its weird. Its like all 90's but they speak like old english. Its creeping me out.

Alas, Babylon is a wonderful read. You should read it if your not already doing so.

Well im done for tonight but if something cool happens before I go to bed ill edit.


i didnt take that...but i like it...


April 29 2006
Hey, guess what? I don't get sunburns!! hahaha!! In your face!! I'm j/k. But I really don't get sunburns. Its an asian thing. Shouta