
February 08 2006

I think it is interesting that some decisions in life we make without realizing how important they are.  But then there are the decisions that we make that require true awareness and consideration.  Sometimes I feel like most of my decisions are made without much thought at all.  What does that say about me?  I am feeling very confused about quitting my job.  I am very aware how much this particular choice will affect our family dynamic.  There are so many things that will be different.  I am worrying that Adam will resent me staying home and not making any money.  I am thinking about how our marraige seemed to become amazingly better right after I got a job.  Was it because it took some pressure off of Adam?  What kind of pressure is he really under by taking care of us?  I wonder what it must feel like for him to have people be so dependent on him.  In reality I am not bringing very much extra to our actual income, but it is money that we wouldn't have otherwise. I want to be at home and pregnant more than anything.  But I am not pregnant yet and I am so confused.  Anyway to be continued...I have to work

elizabeth duncan

February 08 2006

Melissa Wallace Goetz

February 14 2006
What kind of peace will you have if you are home and pregnant? Will your life really be any better if you put more strain on your marriage and your body? I know if I was forced into being the only source of income for my family I would be unbelievably scared and unhappy. Don't forget the stress that an unhappy home life can put on a child. You have more than one person to consider in this decision.