Meet the family!

August 30 2005

Well, one of the first things I've done since returning to Charlotte was get a cat...well, actually it turned out to be 2 cats, sisters named Zoe (the black, explorer, wild one & my lap kitty) and Lily (gray, delicate one). They are so cute and I've enjoyed having them so far. And I am definitely glad to have some companions during this time.

Zoe and Lily checking out the goldfish.

Closeup of Lily

Nathan Moore

August 30 2005
they are pretty cute. even though i hate cats... wait until they get older and then all they will want to do is rub on your leg...


September 04 2005
don't let them eat joey, jordan, danny, joe or donnie


September 06 2005
i love the blue in there eyes. just lookin around and found those pics.