Confused and Frustrated.

December 17 2005

I was at the mall on Friday. And I attempted to sit on the side of a trash can. It didn't work. And I stumbled.

You know what makes me very frustrated? Confusing people. I'm not sure who I like, if I like anyone at all. I dont know. I do have a lot of crushes though. But yeah, everyone is so damn confusing and hard to read and you can misinterpret everything. Who knows? I sure as hell don't, but I wish I did. I'm going to just start acting on impulses and see what happens...its something new at least...*big sigh*


December 30 2005
<center><b>Nick Hawkins</b>&hearts;, <br>I heart you. <br>We never hung out. <br>Keep it real, Kick it old school <br>Peace holla.