Andrew and Chico

February 09 2008

1.What are 6 emotions you are feeling right now?









2. What time did you wake up this morning?
Andrew - well i was kinda up and then i fell asleep when i woke up it was like 9:30 ish

Chico - Same as Andrew but i woke up at 7:30 but got out of bed at 9:30ish

3. How many hours of sleep did you get?
Andrew And Chico - do not know

4. What are you currently doing?
Andrew - thinking and being nervous and doing this survey with Chico, who is a man

Chico - i'm doing this stupid quiz and talking to Mr. Flint (lol)

5. Have you kissed someone within the past week?
Andrew - well ya know.......there was that one time...that i kissed no one.

Chico - never kisses and tells :P

6.Have you told anyone you loved them today?
Andrew - no (Well lastnight.  lol inside joke)

Chico - No not TODAY but yesterday yes

7. Have you ever been in love?
Andrew - i have no earthly idea

Chico - man....yeah :P

8. Do you like anybody?

Andrew - yes siree

Chico - not just anybody :P lol but yes

9. Do you miss anybody?

Andrew - that's a stupid question.  duh

Chico - chico is a man...he doesn't miss people :P

naaa yeah i miss someone

10. Do you have plans for tomorrow?
Andrew - probably...sure why not.

Chico - I go to church tomorrow :)

11. What is the last thing you ate?
Andrew - ice cube...and a waffle.

Chico - WAFFLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mmmmm

12. Is there a member of the opposite sex in your life who means the world to you?

Andrew - sure why not.  yeah i guess so

Chico - Chico is a man!!! (lol) yes i would have to say so

13. What are you listening to right now?
Andrew - my fingers hitting the keys...and Chico

Chico - Same as Andrew :)

14. Are you a generally clean or messy person?
Andrew - i am messy

Chico - I am man..i am messy man!

15.Have you kissed 3 people on your top ?
Andrew - on my top what???????  ewwww.

Chico - I am a man! i dont kiss tops! lol

16.Have you ever liked anyone on your top ?
Andrew - um....if i had a top, and i knew who was on my top....and i knew what i top was.................i'd say yes

Chico - WHAT IS A TOP! gosh i am man..i know not what 'top' is

17. Would you currently start a thing with your top ?

Andrew - i do not start affairs with clothing items.

Chico - chico wears top no start thing with top!


18. Do you Love your ex?

Andrew - I have no preferences of letters.

Chico - Chico love pedro

19. Do you find members of the opposite sex confusing?
Andrew - sometimes...but Chico understands me

Chico - Chico is a man!!! nothing confusing for Chico

20. What was the reason behind the last time you cried?
Andrew - Chico hit me with a Calculator

Chico - Andrew slap me with cold hand

21. Is there anybody you wish you could be with right now?
Andrew - no i have every thing i need in Chico

Chico - Chico man! no need anybody...but Andrew :)

22. Are you going to be alone tonight?
Andrew - no i'll be with lots of people

Chico - Chico is man! thats all that needs to be said

23. When is the last time you saw a movie in theaters?
Andrew - uh...a few weeks ago.  I see chick flick.  nasty.

Chico - Chico see movie with andrew..nasty!

26. Is there something you wish you could tell someone, but can’t?
Andrew - no the only person i need to tell anything to is Chico.  but he's already all-knowing.  :)

Chico- Chico no tell nobody nothing! EVER!

27. What're you doing tonight?
Andrew - I dance and singing on stage.

Chico - Laugh at Andrew!


28. What is one thing you can't wait for?
Andrew - when I talk to my metallic friend.

Chico - Chico no wait! get now!

29. How has the week been?
Andrew - rather fantabulous.  I am talking to my metallic friend.

chico - Chico no remeber yesterday...


30. Do you have a best friend?
Andrew - Chico is the shiz

Chico - Chico MAN no need friends..other then Andrew!

Kaelynn Malugin

February 09 2008
who's andrew and chico?

♥ eyes...♥

February 10 2008
me is andrew. grace is chico. chico is a man. (lol)

Kaelynn Malugin

February 12 2008
ha ha ha? I love you two!