
November 24 2007

Girls - pick the first guy on your top friends.
Unless their family than pick the next one.
Guys - do the same, but the first girl .
- Don't change it
- Enter their name
- Be honest

1. Who is it?
Since there aren't "Top Friends" on here i'm gona go with..Tyler just b/c i know the most about him :P ha i'm so cool i know

2. How did you meet?

3. If you were crying would this person cheer you up?
haha he has many times

4. Where is this person?
i don't stalk him. lol

5. Have you ever spent the night with this person?

6. Will this person repost this?
lol i would have to say...i'm not thinkn so

7. Is this person family?

8. Do you trust this person?

9. If you could change something about this person would you?
No, i dont like changing people!

10. How much does this person know about you?
I dont know ask him..gosh (lol) 

11. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with this person?
Say random things..thats always fun :P 

12. do you argue with this person?

14. Is this person nice to you?
pretty much yes

15. Has this person ever kissed you?
haha no

16. Do you tell this person secrets?
what you talkn about...i dont have "Secrets" lol yeah i have

17. Older or Younger?
Older..by a few months

18. Does this person make you smile?

19. Is this person your boyfriend or girlfriend?
haha funny you ask that.
But no