Dan the Dan-Man Daniel
Relationship Status
MTCS...oh hey, I graduated! Suck it Cougars!
Freed-Hardeman baby!
Favorite Movies
I don't know, pick some...I saw the Da Vinci Code and liked it.
Favorite Books
Lord of the Rings, Picture of Dorian Gray, Heart of Darkness, Great Gatsby
I'm baaaaack!
November 09 2005
Hey there! I am currently in Captain Robb's class, doing something that nobody understands. Xanga won't work, but this will!
So yeah, Drew got busted today. A week of O.S.S., counseling, and no telling what else. I'm so sorry Drew, I'm praying for you.
Hmm....not much else today. I've got an essay to BS tonight. Gonna burn the midnight oil!