Whats up?

March 28 2006
So whats going on every one?
Hows life? My life is great, life is great, its the greatest its ever been.
I have the love of my life, and the best friends I could ever have,
Music is amazing, wow i love techno, rave music, rock, its all amazing!!!!!!!!

No glove no love lol l8er

Chelsea Forstel

March 28 2006
So uhh... whatcha wearin? (lol) I love you SO much, Jordan!!!!!!! I'm glad that you're happy... >>> that's all I'd ever want for you, babe. *music is great... (lol)* Welp... I'm talkin to you on the phone... SEE YOU SOON... (*hopefully*) <3 -Chelsea

Chelsea Forstel

March 28 2006
So uhh... whatcha wearin? (lol) I love you SO much, Jordan!!!!!!! I'm glad that you're happy... >>> that's all I'd ever want for you, babe. *music is great... (lol)* Welp... I'm talkin to you on the phone... SEE YOU SOON... (*hopefully*) <3 -Chelsea