
June 20 2005
So today was a hoot...

I started out by getting my tags for the car and realizing that they cost a whole lot...but I did get a cool UTK vanity plate out of the deal.

Then after I got home from the gym, I got my package in the mail that I had been waiting on for like 3 part for my car. That was fun putting that on, but it looks great.

But I got a letter in the mail saying that I was a counselor for the annual Tenn. Association of Student Council's leadership camp later on in the summer. My council (group of kids) is given a place (its part of the theme) that we will make our council's theme. We got Washington, DC. If you guys would not mind helping me out, could you give me ideas on how I could use this theme (decorations, costumes, ideas)? Anything would be useful...thanks in advance. But I have to say that I am a little nervous about being a counselor... I am just wondering about how the campers will respond to know that I am not that much older than they are...but I am just going to leave it with God and I know that the best will turn out.

On a totally different note:
Chris and I went and saw the new Batman movie.... which absolutely rocks!!! And I just got home.

But I have been thinking lately about life (I know what your thinking: Jason's THINKING!!!).
I have always been told that once you give everything you are to God, the devil want what he THINKS is his back and will do anything to get it. I now know this to be true. My life over the past week has made a complete 180 degree turn in God's way, and the devil is trying so hard to get me back. God has been showing me lately parts of my life that need working on and I am proud to say that I have been free of one personal sin for well over a week (which is the longest ever). Praise GOD!!! I am so unbelieveably happy that I can step out on faith and lean on God to get me through life.

There are two verses that have been helping me out lately:

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Romans 12:2 NAS

"And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through him to God the Father."

Colossians 3:17 NLT

I think that these two are my new life verses.

*Just remember that I am a random thinker. Things just always pop out of my head.

My iPod has been very helpful lately in keeping me close with God... I decided that when I got it, I would only fill it with songs that will keep my focus on God and his awesome power and beauty. I have songs that remind me of the good time that I have had and also lots of worship songs. It is nice to always have worship songs with me, because now I am always singing to my God.

I am about to hit the sack but I would like to tell everyone that Cranium in Starbucks when your bored is a great way to waste time. I saw so many people in Starbucks tonight.

I hope that everyone has a great night and day tommarow.

Later >

Unreached Peoples Fact
China has the largest number of individuals whose primary language does not have Bible portions (181,475,000 individuals).

Missions Scripture
"And the gospel must first be preached to all the nations"
Mark 13:10

photo from Tack

Look at God's Beauty.....


June 21 2005
Praise God man! Jason, it's so awesome to watch God workin in your life like he is always faithful to do!


June 21 2005
hey jason!!! im soo happy for you!!! im soo happy to see God working in your life so well!!! stay strong buddy!!! i think i may have to get a Ipod now...thanks to you lol!!! o well!! i have been wanting one!!! o yea!! tonight at starbucks was fun!! we won!!! wooo hooo!!! luv ya!!


June 21 2005
howdy buddy! wow....i love watching & hearing about the changes going on in ur life! God's gonna totally rock ur socks off buddy but Satan's gonna be one step behind! i'm praying for ya & if ya ever need anything...u know i'll be there! oh lol and Batman did totally rock! :o) later!


June 22 2005
God has got some big plans for you! I know he does, he's gonna use you in awesome ways!!!

Alicia May

June 27 2005
Hey buddy! I haven't talked to you in a while! Im so excited about you being a counselor! Its gonna be great! I can't wait! Im so STOKED! I mean there is actually gonna be someone there that i know that i can talk to if i need to! Do you still need help coming up w/ ideas! I talked to Mrs. CAukin and it is a possibility that i will be in your group! But, im not sure will see! Again just let me know if yah need help! How is work going?