Tyler H.



Siegel High School

Favorite Books



July 11 2005
hmmmmmm........ummmmm.........(thinks really hard)

OH YEAH! 2+2=4! i finally remembered...wait....

relatives are in town, 2 aunts(pronounced AHnt) and an uncle, with 5 COUSINS.....they are fun and nice until they fired up and then they are not so fun when they are drowning you in the pool.....but yeah

i realized this right now....when you are young, its fun to do stuff that older people do, but when you are older, you want to do what younger kids do, like make pillow forts or go to the playground....ahhhh youth


Sarah Vermillion

July 11 2005
I don't think anyone's all that fun when they're drowning you in a pool. :p

Stephanie Levine

July 12 2005
mmm,youth.I love playgrounds.

Katie Schneider

July 12 2005
=) =)


July 13 2005
pillow forts....fun.


July 15 2005
are you serious? lol, wow. i might have to come see this one day...

Nathan West

July 16 2005
yeah I heard, hey could you do me a favor? Could you bring me a copy of the eight bars we got earlier this summer, I have it memorized but when I was teachin' at VBS my copy dissapeared with a kid apparently or when then rearanged the room. I have it memorized and I know it but I want to have a copy of it. I'm usually responsible with my music, and I'm kinda embarrassed I lost it. Thanks Gloria Patri nathan

Tyler H.

July 17 2005
sure, i lost my whole folder, but have the 8 bars hehe