My rants about people.

June 22 2005
Me and Krista talked on the phone for a while a little bit ago. She decided she didn't have feelings for me anymore either, so, we decided to not even date. So, I guess it is completely over between us. When I talked to her on the phone, she seemed so satisfied with herself, like, she threw in the final blow. I don't think thats what she really felt like, but thats how it sounded.


I am very depressed right now. I'm not sure why, but I am. I don't have a whole lot to be happy about. Like I'm not happy that Krista and I broke up, but I am relieved that it is over and Kristas not hurting at all. I guess that I'm mostly depressed because of my friends. Now, when I say this, I know I am going to get about 15 comments saying, "I'm really your friend, I'm not just lying to make you feel wanted." But, I feel like I have no real friends. I feel like all the friends that I hang out with are just hanging out with me becuase they have no one else at the moment. I feel like they are pretending that they want to hang out with me just because they dont want to hurt my feelings or everyone else is buisy. For instance, I was at Tylers house the other night becuase my parents were out of town. Tyler stayed on the computer the whole fucking time. Then, Calvin was like what do you want to do, and I said, lets walk to the underground. And I know that Calvin didn't want to go with me up to the underground. I know that the only reason that he asked me what I wanted to do, was because he felt bad that Tyler ditched me for his virtual friends. Calvin had better things to do, and he would have rather done something else. And then, there is my friend Camron... I try to hang out with him all the time. But, everytime I call, its either, "Sorry man, college exam to study for..." or, "Sorry dude... my little brother has has somehting to do, and I have to give him a ride," or, he forgets. Every damn time. And I know he has a girlfriend and other friends... but I call him on almost every fucking Monday to see about Saturday, and every time, he says, "Maybe... but I might have other plans..." and everytime he has other plans. And he always says, "Sorry, maybe next time... I have a buisy schedual (how ever the hell you spell it)."

I just feel like I am unwanted and not appreciated. I feel like I have no true friends except for maybe David Redmon. And he has summer school and has to study for that and go to work and date Molly. So, I'm not mad at him for being buisy, but I wish more people were true friends like him. If you dont want to hang out with me, tell me you don't want to fucking hang out with me. If your not going to even talk to me, don't say I can sleep at your house when my parents are out of town... Jesus Christ, sorry for such a long rant.

I didn't mean to make anyone mad because of this entry. This was aimed mostly at my "closest" friends. I am not saying that everyone is a douch bag. Just thought I would let you know this before anyone else gets offended.



June 22 2005
I know how ya feel there man, i've been in the exact same position before


June 22 2005
i don't seem like a pretty cool guy to me i do alright on first impressions, but people tend to get bored with me pretty easily


June 22 2005
Brett's sad... No fun *hug for brett*


June 22 2005
Hey, I know we're not, like, best friends or anything, but we are boner buddies, and if you need someone to talk to, I'm here... And I'm sure Kelly Jo and Alex would be up for kidnapping you someday if you needed it. After all, we're the new section.


June 22 2005
someone out there might think so...just not me, heh


June 22 2005
I'm sorry that your friend is obsessed with their virtual friends lol. I hope that you have a better day tomorrow.


June 23 2005
Come on man I've been your friend sense first grade You know if you give me a call I will hang out with you. I mean I know that we're not as good of friends as we were in the past but I really think we are still friends.

Krista Anderson

June 23 2005
...I'm not satisfied. I just thought I should tell you how I feel. I really do hope you don't think I'd be satisfied with myself for ending this. It's still kinda painful...I just...told you what I had to. I didn't want to "throw in the final blow"...I just needed you to don't be mad at me...cause I didn't mean to sound like that if I did... :(

Krista Anderson

June 23 2005 wasn't meant to sound like that. I'm sorry if it did.

Jane Woodard

June 23 2005
yea, sounds like ty and cal to me lol ;)

Katie Schneider

June 23 2005

Katie Schneider

June 23 2005
I love you brettttttttt


June 23 2005
Yeah I know, You didn't offend me that's sort of hard to do. Just don't worry about it thing's usually get better I'll talk to you ya later.


June 23 2005
man i wish ohio were for lovers i dont think anyone in this state has ever heard that song its a sad thing


June 23 2005
Sorry you really didn't offend me I didn't mean for it to sound that way. Sorry.

Rachel Tenpenny

June 24 2005
well. you see here. i know im just your sister, and so.. that fact alone prolly takes away all the friend points that i gain, but i see you as one of my best friends in the world. even though i have to look out for you (thats ok, because i have to look out for all my friends. im like the freakin designated driver.) anyways i know that you know... we live together so hanging out isnt the same as it is w/your other friends, and i know we get REALLY ANGRY w/each other sometimes... and sometimes we just dont get along at all.. but youre a very sweet lil bro and i wouldnt exchange you for anyone. ever. period. and i hope that you know that im here for you not only as a sister but as a friend. (i think sometimes u forget that...) but anyways this is prolly a realllllly long comment now, and im hungry. your butt is still in bed. im sure you'll be up w/in a few hours... ;) I LOVE YOU!!!