
February 01 2006
Ok...so, I don't know what I did, I tried to edit my last post because I had some pics that only I could see, but I wanted everyone to see them and then I tried to edit my entry and I erased it and...well, I confused myself incredibly...so just scratch that last post (for those of you who read it). anyway...I had an amazing time iceskating last Friday. I got bruised up and sore, but it was a blast. Afterwards I spent the night at the Lewis's and then hung out with Liz and Mrs. JEana and Daniel while Beka played paintball...I had a lot of fun..but anyway...yeah. Cookout, Friday night, Church Property...I'll see ya'll there. Love ya'll. bye


January 23 2006
We got last semesters grades today...I was afraid that I had had a B in Algebra 2, but it turns out something was messed up in the grading system, so I got an A instead...two 94s...a 100 and a 96. I'm hoping I can bring them up to like 97s and 98...but I'm not so sure. Anyway, Yeah, I'm happy, I made a 4.0 so that brings me happiness. Leave me lots of remarks. Love ya'll. See you Wednesday. 


January 18 2006
Wow, so I got 9 remarks on my first post or blog or whatever it's called. That's neat. So...I don't know what to talk about, but, I will say this, Phusebox is definately cooler than xanga. You did a good job Mr. Nathan. mmm...so, people, give me something to talk about...I have no idea. Give me some ideas. 

I Got One

January 13 2006
I wasn't planing on getting one of these. I mainly got it so that I could comment on people's sites, but I'll post occasionally...so...anyway...yeah...give me some comments please.