
March 25 2006
    Grrrr, so I had this really long post, and I clicked the 'Publish Entry' button, but then my computer did something weird, and it erased it all. Rats. ummm...basic rundown...Youth Rally last night was really awesome. My brother is getting married this Saturday, family and friends are coming down to be here, we have Spring Break this week...we're cleaning the house and yard...I screamed too much last night (and I have a cold) so I have no voice...and, yeah, I think that about sums it up. Ok. I'll see ya'll tomorrow. Love ya'll.

Josh Morgan

March 25 2006
mmm.... concision

Jeana Lewis

March 25 2006
And short and to the point! :o)


March 26 2006
grr... that happens to me all the time! it's like the devil and my computer are in cahoots or somthin. like this one time on xanga i wrote in very specific detail all about my week and it was oober long but i got this "bug" thing and i almost kicked the computer, but that wouldve hurt my toe.... <3 ALI


March 30 2006
the important thing is that you have it back....HA it's still funny that you lost it though...i thought your voice was something that stuck with you...where did you end up finding it??

David Ambrose

March 30 2006
that stinks. oh well, just wanted to say hi