
February 13 2006
Look at all the SNOW!! It's all like...white. hehe. I love snow. It's kinda cold, but I like it anyway. It is still snowing at my house, we have about 1 1/2 inches so far, hopefully more by the end of the day. I wish ya'll could see it. It was prettier on Saturday, but still. I'm thinking that maybe...just maybe...Mrs. Dawn won't come pick us up today because there's too much snow on the roads. We would still have to do school, but I could get a lot more done today if I stayed home...I could do some laundry, clean up my room, file stuff, pick up the house, and just chill...hmm...anyway. Yeah, It's snowing. I'll see ya'll later. 

Chris Slate,

February 13 2006
god no thats not lauren... thats brittany... lauren looks better... haha

Jessica Jo

February 13 2006
The snow is really pretty at my house. I hope you got to stay at home today and relax. I had a lot of fun staying at home. Check your email. Love you.

Jessica Jo

February 14 2006
Happy Valentine's Day!!!! I love you MB.


February 14 2006
Happy Valentine's Day! I love you tons!


February 17 2006
i like snow..snow is...white....white....whitewwwwwwwhhhhhiiiiitttttteeee...kinda like me!