Renee Ashworth


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Favorite Books

Bible, Brave New World


October 30 2005
wow, what can i say about the Fall Retreat, well to start off i absolutely enjoyed the atmosphere, what other place to take in all of Gods creation then a beautiful crisp fall setting. Coker Creek Village was amazing, I love the way that God works, how he pulled the ones he wanted out and sent them to a romote place, where cell phones were not accessible. The way He grouped us up in EVERY situation was for His purpose, and although I might not understand why, He will reveal in His time. The Speaker was AWESOME, and it amazes me how God told him exactly what to say that hit home with me ( that is a much deeper personal reason, but if you wanna know just ask). I really thoght that this weekend was going to be a getaway from the stresses of my life, but it turns out that God was really trying to show me something over the last couple of day, and although i mention it slightly right now, i am not yet at peace with any of it, and i am waiting for GODS green light to openly share, i am talking about it with my accountability partner, and that is the only person that needs to know rigth now. It took me most of the weekend to realize that God was actually answering a prayer, in a really weird twisted way, and that the rest of the answers are yet to come. You know one thing that has been bothering me is that i don't really feel like everyone, Ok maybe not everyone, but some people are not being completely honest with me right now, i feel like some of my friends are holding back somethings that they are feeling, and you know what i think that HONESTY is better then the weridness that comes from hiding something from somebody!! You know the truth hurts, but it helps ppl know what they are doing wrong. Another thing is that I would appreciate it when someone tells you one thing, that they will not back out on it, I hate (ok hate is to strong of a word, i dislike  Hypocrits, whatever though it has been a long weekend, and i am tired, like it even matter no one ever comments on this stuff anyways....... but it is a good place to vent.


October 30 2005