Things You Just Don't Say

February 01 2006

Go back to Africa? Damn thats just uncalled for. I'll explain da whole "n" word thing.

When black people say it, we say it to turn negative 2 positive like i told Brigette. But if a white person says it to a black person cuz they think, "I can use it if they are!" what kind of sense does that make? And whats up with this "they" thing?

Sorry but you gotta watch some of the things that are said cause it affects "people like me".

People shouldn't try to use cultured words to try to fit in with other racial groups. They should liek you no matter what. Just be yourself!!!!!

Im out!!! Holla Back~1~

brigette adkins

February 01 2006
dern i said i was sorry. -_-''

brigette adkins

February 01 2006
yeah im okay. i gotta get back to class now. I don't think I work today so if not then you can go shopping with me!! :D