The mirror stares you in the face and say baby oh oh it don't work

August 25 2005

I got a 56 on my Economics credit-by-exam test.
I will not be getting credit,
needless to say.

Babies, babies everywhere
and not a drop to drink.
Who drinks babies? I ask you.

This quote is several days old...but I likes it -

Lindsay: "I'm afraid of getting jumped in the Siegel parking lot..."
Me: "Carrington could take them, she's like a blackbelt."
Stephanie: "I could take them...I'm a ballerina!"

So how about that.


August 25 2005
Number 1... economics is not a cool class... I was bored out of my mind. I probably would fail the test after taking the class. But it's ok... you'll be fine. Number 2... I would really like to watch a ballerina jump someone... and number 3... why is she worried about getting jumped at Siegel anyways? All the ghetto gangstas are supposed to be at Oakland and Riverdale.


August 25 2005
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! Wow that made me laugh SO HARD!!!! I don't blame her at all then...


August 25 2005
nice. do you get that line from that song at all??