
July 16 2006

Well, I put up about...oh, I don't know, 4 quintillian Governor's School pictures.  Most people don't won't care, but if you'd like a glimpse at the most bizarre and wonderful group of people ever...you might check them out.

Here are a few of my personal favorites:

My roommate Brittney and I, in our everyday attire.

Rules for visiting our room.

My super cool counselor Amber.

My lovely friend Kethleen and her disclaimer.

Me and my suitemates...the best suitemates ever...at our closing banquet, which was very sad. 

Bekka making a pretty face.

Tia, one of the nicest girls I've met, and Caroline, one of the most beautiful.

My room, in one of its messier moments.

And of course my dear Brittney again, doing her thing.

Heart heart heart,
