
April 30 2006

So prom was basically amazing.  It was so cool to see all the senior girls so beutiful, and the senior boys looking so sharp...and the dancing was fun fun!  I'm so sore. 

Dinner with Hunter, Kris, and Bean was an adventure, as you might imagine.  We discussed such things as Arthurian Legend and Protocal, selling out each other's seats to immigrants, the numbers and countries imprinted on our silverware, and how to poison our waiter with his tip ("take the glowing dollar bill!  It won't hurt you!").

Party After Prom was pretty sweet too.  The decorations were excellent - it reminded me so much of when I lived in Vegas!!  Gambling's not really my thing, but Chloe's mom basically gave me free chips, which was super cool!  I'm not much of a night owl, though, and by about 3:30 am I had reached the state of being known as the Living Dead.  But we stuck around until five, and Bean won a microwave and Hunter won the Holy Grail of Siegel, so it was worth it.

Overall...a great night.  Hunter was very sweet.  My friends were very beautiful.  Everything was lovely.

 : )


Eric Bean

April 30 2006
We also discussed the dwarf of ignorance of Hindu legend and its possible application to today's society. Plus, Hunter gave me a 30-second update on the NFL draft. If that wasn't enough, Spartacus even came up. What a great time!

Hunter Barry

April 30 2006
Don't forget the Bread Knapsack or Bread Goggles or the 3 standards I hold my dates to.

Hunter Barry

April 30 2006
Notice, she says Party after Prom was pretty sweet whereas I am very sweet. Therefore, we can derive the statement: Me>Party after Prom. Oh yea.