For five dollars, the flower is free...

February 05 2006

Yesterday was the Military Ball, and I really had fun - probably the most fun I've had at any kind of dance (except maybe the model un dance where Jimmy and I brought potted meat) and I'm glad I went.

Today's the Superbowl.  I'm cheering for the Packers, as usual.  Brother: "Do you even know who's playing?"  Moi: "The Steelers...and....a bird team?"

It's all so interesting.  I'm really an idiot.  But an idealistic one.  I guess it's an okay situation to be in.


February 05 2006
i think that you should put up pics of you in your purty dress. :]


February 06 2006
who did you go with?

Jessica Sanders

February 07 2006
yes. . .military ball was interesting

Jessica Sanders

February 07 2006
and o yeah i'm pretty sure we had the prettiest flowers there!