Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est

November 27 2005

85 random questions.

1) Last thing you burned while attempting to cook?
Only everything I’ve ever made…

2) Describe yourself in 3 words?
Plain.  Complex.  Frustrating.   

3) How long does it take you to get ready for your day?
1 hour 45 minutes

4) Favorite place to blow $50?
Charlotte Russe.

5) How many people have you thought were "the one"?

6) What is something that turns you off from the opposite sex?

7) What kind of car do you drive?
Teal ‘00 Civic  

8) What's in your CD player right now?


9) What celebrity would you have coffee with?
Johnny Depp – cliché but hot.

10) What celebrity would you NOT have coffee with?
Paris Hilton

11) What kind of toothpaste do you use?
Crest Whitening plus Scope (I just checked)

12) What time do you go to bed?
As early as 8:00 when I’m dying, as late as 12:00.

13) Last movie you saw?
Harry Potter IV.

14) Last TV show you watched?
Something on the Style channel.

15) Who is your best friend?
Hmm.  Probably Lindsay.

16) Who in your family do you best get along with?
My dad.  I love him.

17) Who do you lust after?
That’s a silly question.

18]) What time is it?

19) Are you planning a vacation/travel?
Trying to get money for NYC & Mexico.

20) When/Where was the last time you traveled?
Fall Break - Chicago

21) How many times have you been in love?

Really in love, never.

22) How old will you be in 10 years?

23) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Married or soon to be; a teacher; hopefully happy.

24) Sinful snacking weakness?
Anything – literally, anything – that is sweet.

25) Rollercoasters?
Wooden > Steel

26) Ever run out of gas?

27) Ever been on a train?
Chattanooga Choochoo!

28) Ever been on a blind date?

29) Ever been to Europe?
Next year, hopefully.

30) What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for one day?
Get up ten minutes before I had to leave for school.  And look just fine.

31) Would you tell anyone it was you?
No, I’d have fun with it though…

32) Ever been arrested?
Once in Tulsa, but my court date hasn’t been set yet…no, I’ve never been arrested.

33) Have a crush on anyone you work with?
Well if I could ever get a job…

34) What is something you believe in?

35) What is something you fear?
Being raped.

36) Big or small?

37) What is the worst pain you have ever experienced?
After I got my teeth knocked out, and they stuck them back in without numbing them…

38) What is your favorite television show?
America’s Next Top Model.  Guilty pleasure.

39) Ever photoshopped yourself to look better in a picture?

40) Tell us something about your childhood.
I played street hockey constantly and I was – I kid you not – the most popular kid in school.

41) What would it cost for you to flash the person next to you?
I’m alone, thanks.

42) Best time to catch you in a good mood?
About 6:00 am.  Yeah, I’m a morning person.

43) If you could be anything for one day, what would it be?
A princess <3

44) Most prized possession(s)?
My kitties.

45) Would you ever sell it/how much?
They’re priceless.

46) What is one of your pet peeves?
People who yawn loudly.

47) Favorite kind of ice cream?
Butter pecan.  No, cookie dough.  No, lime sherbet.  I don’t know.

48) Coolest thing that happened today?
The puppies started barking and playing with each other.

56) What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Frappucinos – Java chip if I’m sad, mocha if I’m happy, caramel if I feel adventurous, and lately the eggnog one.

57) What is/was your biggest mistake?
Last year’s obsession.  I regret it more and more all the time…

58) Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?

59) Say something totally random about you:
I have hammer toe, a condition affecting the tendons in my ankles and toes.

60) Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Does Amy Brenneman from Judging Amy count?

61) Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows?
“The Suite Life of Zach and Cody” is amazing.

62) Did you have braces?
For three and a freaking half years.

63) Are you comfortable with your height?
I love it – I’m not too tall or too short.

64) What is the most romantic thing done by someone of the opposite sex?
No one’s ever done anything romantic for me that I can remember…

65) When do you know it's love?
When you are willing to sacrifice your own happiness for theirs.  When you would die for them.

66. Do you speak other languages?
Latin.  O Tempora!  O Mores!

67) Have you ever been to a tanning salon?
Cancer beds?  I’ll pass.

68) What magazines do you read?
Discover, Teen Vogue, Time, Christianity Today – a diverse group.

69) Have you ever ridden in a limo?
Yes and it was pretty sweet.

70) Has anyone you were really close with passed away?
Not really close.

71) Have you ever watched MTV?
Not usually, but Room Raiders is another guilty pleasure…

72) What's something that really annoys you?
Bad grammar from people who know better.

73) What's something you really like?
Mashed potatoes with white gravy.  Mmmm.

74) Do you like Michael Jackson?
He’s a little creepy.

75) Can you dance?
Like a madwoman!  Only not really.

76) What's the latest you've ever stayed up?
7:00 am.  Blehhhh…

77) Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die?
I almost drowned once…

78) Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room?

79) Do you actually read these when other people fill them out?
If it’s a good survey.

80) Who did you take this from?
Lexie Frensley.

81) Whats your full name?
Christina Catherine. 

82) If you had to pick another city to live in... but it was in the same state what city would you choose?
Soddy Daisy.  Just for the name.

83) Favorite place in the world?
My backyard in the late spring in the wee early hours with coffee and lots of stars.

84) Best feeling you ever had?
Every time I’m on stage…

85) Life goal or dream?
Be a high school English teacher, marry, have children, spend significant amounts of time in Italy, be Eponine in a performance of Les Miserables, honor God.


November 27 2005
you are not allowed to steal surveys without commenting! silly girl.

Mary Lauren

November 28 2005
i read all of that. you should be proud. hehe.