Eric Bean


Relationship Status



Siegel High


May 17 2006
I haven't even graduated yet, and I've already got $125 of graduation present checks.  I can't cash them until I've written thank you notes, but it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside knowing that I can buy books and stuff again.  Maybe I'll finally buy that chainsaw so Dana and I can hold our epic duel.  Of course, surrender is not an option.


May 17 2006
i dont think a normal sized chainsaw will be any affect on Dana the Tall. You will need to make one that is 20x larger and train a troupe, a very large troupe of dancing lobsters to operate it. Of course they are going to have to cease dancing in order to fully focus on fighting Dana.

Ben Moser

May 17 2006
haha yeah i already got like 160 in cash and giftcards...its strange. and to think after tomorrow night, ill be a graduate. hmm...

Hunter Barry

May 18 2006
I find it ironic that you mention leprechauns as one of your tags when you are indeed dueling Dana. I smell foul play afoot. I believe you are planning to finance an army of leprechaun lumberjacks- alliterative and deadly- to "chop" Dana down to size.