December 10 2005

I had the most amazing nite last nite... first we went and saw Charile Brown Christmas at Siegel which Jackie was phenominal in as Peppermint Patty! ^^ and  then i begged my parents for like an hour to let me go w/ my peeps to see Chronicles of Narnia and they finally let me... but my dad said i couldn't come home after 11... so i spent the nite @ Jackie's ^^ and we ended up see RENT cuz Narnia was sold out (my 3rd time!) and we saw RICHARD!!!!! ^^ and his man friend... lol i miss him so much! anywayz, Jackie and i baked muffins and watched some of the Little Shop of Horrors movie and then we went to sleep... got up @ like 12 and made French toast (the wrong way, Jackie's way. ok i'm not closed minded. i kno there are more ways to make it than my way lol) and we finished the movie which is really good

"Today's happy face, today's sad face.
Yesterday's weak self, tomorrow's strong self.
If it's you, who are you showing it to? If it's me, who should I show it to?"
-Ayu (Trauma)

Maria Renee Rodriguez Jimon

December 10 2005
yeh the moms were excited cuz they finally got to have people at the my entry and u will get one interesting part of it....."i got much love for u baby"--heavy d

Ben Moser

December 11 2005
i dont believe you do.


December 11 2005
umm... had a friend request from u...

Rachael Robertson

December 11 2005
pretty sure... that we need to talk and either you are ignoring, avoiding or just not getting my calls.. but that doesn't change the fact that we are fighting over somthing stupid and pointless.. and we NEED TO TALK

Rachael Robertson

December 12 2005
don't say o please when all i was tryin to do was fix things... but now i just don't care i have enough to worry about...

Rachael Robertson

December 12 2005
check your email