Post Mexico and preparing for Hawaii

June 18 2005
Well I'm definitely excited about getting ready to leave for Hawaii! I wish I had a little more time to spend at home with friends, but I know that God has some amazing things to show me in Hawaii as well. I have talked a lot about Mexico, and what God has done in my life. If you would like to check it out, you can go to my xanga site at! So what's up in my life! God has really been blessing me with a new perspective on life. He's starting to show me that as a servant and disciple of Christ, selflessness is a vital key to my walk with Him. I realized that God does enjoy me praying for things about myself, but he takes extreme pleasure when we lift up others before ourselves. Do you guys ever end up praying for your life in some way? We do that because we worry about what God has in store for us don't we? I mean God already knows the plans he has for us. Sometimes his road winds a little differently than where our road tends to go! I'm glad all of you Belle Aire peoples are home from Big Stuff, and I can't wait to hear more about it at youth. Let's hang out before I leave guys! For more updates on YWAM, you can send me a email, or you can just read this every now and then. I will try to update when I'm over there!


June 18 2005
Hey you finally wrote! Hawaii... that's so awesome... I wannna go! I hope you have a blast and that God continues to show you new and great things!

Rachael Moore

June 18 2005
michael dillon! you just don't even know how much i love you! and miss you! i haven't seen you in forever! call me b/c i need to ask you something about wednesday night (after church stuff) 427-1864. love ya kid!


June 19 2005
michael diiiilllloooonnnn!!

Hope Anderson

June 19 2005
you've got to tell me all about it, yo!