Michael Dillon
Relationship Status
In A Relationship
Siegel High School
Being a disciple of Jesus Christ
Favorite Music
Christian (Mercy Me, Grits, Passion, pretty much everything...)
Favorite Movies
Dumb and Dumber (Classic!)
Favorite Books
the Bible, Experiencing God, and the Purpose Driven Life
Other Websites
Hey everybody!!!
September 13 2005
Alright what's up guys? I haven't given a direct update in a while. How is everybody? It's so weird being in college, and knowing that a lot of your friends have moved on. It is nice to get out of class at 11:00 everyday! LOL! HAHA! By the way, I'm sorry for the people who have had my mom for teaching. I continue to hear the complaints on my mom. She does have a loving side to her which I get to live with! LOL! Guys, lately, things have never been more clear in my life. INTIMACY!! I know I talk a lot about it, but it helps me to share with people my age about my experiences in my walk. My whole life, God has been longing to tell me things about myself. He's been crying out to me with the pieces of my heart that I have selfishly thrown to the world in so many different situations. Yes, I did say that Jesus has the broken pieces of my heart. God has showed me that over time, I've given my heart to so many things, and I haven't stopped to take those things back. I've never been alone and intimate. I've never actually stopped long enough to receive the things I need to have back for an amazing future with my wife and in ministry. I think it's the same for all of you guys too. Aware or unaware, we give our heart to other things, but God never gives up on completely restoring our hearts. I know I will never get to that point here on Earth, but that doesn't mean I can't pursue that completion because it's so much better than temporary stuff. I long for the moment when I will be in heaven, and I can look at God's smile. I look forward to the moment when he opens his arms to hug me, and in that moment I become the complete man He wanted me to be. Until then, I'll keep pursuing that gentle whisper. Anticipating the moment when nothing else will matter but the Creator of Beauty and Adventure!! I know that he will never stop loving us, and I know he only wants the best for everybody! Our God is so amazing!
Garrett Haynes
September 13 2005
gah your mom teaches 100 mph! lol. I am sure she's a nice person....at home. lol j/k.