Michael Dillon
Relationship Status
In A Relationship
Siegel High School
Being a disciple of Jesus Christ
Favorite Music
Christian (Mercy Me, Grits, Passion, pretty much everything...)
Favorite Movies
Dumb and Dumber (Classic!)
Favorite Books
the Bible, Experiencing God, and the Purpose Driven Life
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He only wants the best for you....
August 20 2005
And we know that in all things, God works for the GOOD of those who love Him, who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
I was sitting in my car one night worrying about where I was headed. Have you ever done that? Have you ever asked God for reaffirmation that he's in control of your life. I know when I'm riding with a friend, I often want to take control because I'm so insecure of his maniac driving. Guys are crazy drivers, girls you can account for that. But when are we going to stop listening to the world who tells us a walk with God is disaster? I spent half of my life ignoring God because I wanted to fit in at school and wherever I went. I tried to meet the standards of so many different people I was around, and it just brought me brokenness. When I finally discovered that I had always been acceptable in the eyes of my Creator, my life changed. Part of a surrendered life with Christ is allowing God to gradually take control of everything inside of you. Satan tells us that by doing this, we are becoming abnormal, and we are just following a road that will become a dead end. But what he doesn't want you to know is that you are on the right road. By being hand in hand with Christ, a passion is ignited in your heart that only makes you want to follow Him that much more. It feels so good, and what's amazing is that by allowing God to take control of our lives we become involved in an eternal plan far better than our temporary plans. I mean think about this...You probably desire things that last how long...2 months, 2 years, 30 years. God is crying out to us. He wants you to be with Him. He wants you to enjoy a plan that never ends. We have an amazing Creator, who created you so that you could enjoy the love he has to offer you. Allow God to share his plan with you bit by bit. Walk hand in hand with the man that will never leave your side. He only desires to see you happy, even if that means changing some uncomfortable areas of your life. Remember, that just because your plans may not be his, doesn't mean that he's not dying to give you far much better than what you want right then. Know that he loves you, and just wants to see that smile on your face. He longs for the moment when he can finally embrace you face to face...How exciting!!!
Romans 8:28
I was sitting in my car one night worrying about where I was headed. Have you ever done that? Have you ever asked God for reaffirmation that he's in control of your life. I know when I'm riding with a friend, I often want to take control because I'm so insecure of his maniac driving. Guys are crazy drivers, girls you can account for that. But when are we going to stop listening to the world who tells us a walk with God is disaster? I spent half of my life ignoring God because I wanted to fit in at school and wherever I went. I tried to meet the standards of so many different people I was around, and it just brought me brokenness. When I finally discovered that I had always been acceptable in the eyes of my Creator, my life changed. Part of a surrendered life with Christ is allowing God to gradually take control of everything inside of you. Satan tells us that by doing this, we are becoming abnormal, and we are just following a road that will become a dead end. But what he doesn't want you to know is that you are on the right road. By being hand in hand with Christ, a passion is ignited in your heart that only makes you want to follow Him that much more. It feels so good, and what's amazing is that by allowing God to take control of our lives we become involved in an eternal plan far better than our temporary plans. I mean think about this...You probably desire things that last how long...2 months, 2 years, 30 years. God is crying out to us. He wants you to be with Him. He wants you to enjoy a plan that never ends. We have an amazing Creator, who created you so that you could enjoy the love he has to offer you. Allow God to share his plan with you bit by bit. Walk hand in hand with the man that will never leave your side. He only desires to see you happy, even if that means changing some uncomfortable areas of your life. Remember, that just because your plans may not be his, doesn't mean that he's not dying to give you far much better than what you want right then. Know that he loves you, and just wants to see that smile on your face. He longs for the moment when he can finally embrace you face to face...How exciting!!!