God has given you the strength....

June 25 2005
When we were in Mexico, we decided on our last day we would travel to a small village in Matamoros. We went around to all of the houses, and we told them to come out at 2 o clock for a service. We parked in an open field, and waited for everybody to show up. At 2, crowds came pouring from every direction. We had a service, and that day alone we saw 100 people come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. It was so amazing! At the end while we were handing out food though, I looked out in the distance, and there was this man who looked to be about 19 or 20. But this was no ordinary man, it was Satan himself. We all knew it. Even though this guy was normal we knew what we were facing. His face was dark, and he had a grin I will never forget. He took some of our tracks and ripped them laughing. We continued to hand out food, and God urged us to keep going. Satan tried to get our attention, and some looked. The majority kept handing out food, not letting any evil bother us. He continued to taunt us, but God in us reigned that day. As we pulled out of that parking lot all Satan could do was watch and taunt. But God protected us that day, and he gave us the strength to conquer evil in Mexico. I believe those people in Matamoros were truly changed forever that day. I know I love to talk about how much God loves us, but we need to know that with God comes Satan. Sometimes we don't believe we can conquer someone who wants us destroyed. But let me tell you that if you ask God to give you the strength, he will. I know that day in Mexico, God smiled upon us and said, "those are my children down there, I'm so proud of them." If we simply believe and open our hearts to God's strength, we become Satan's most dangerous opponent. Without God, we will FAIL!! Don't fall into the trap that Satan has set before you. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Don't allow yourself to be destroyed by someone who hates everything about you. The deeper your passion for God becomes the more he can't stand you! He knows with God you are so much more powerful than he is. Allow the God who loves you, the ability to control your heart. Become the dangerous christian that this world doesn't want you to become. There are so many people out there who are searching for completion where Satan is standing. But if we open our hearts, God will direct them in the right direction maybe through you..exactly what Satan doesn't want. Stay focused and stay dangerous!!!


June 26 2005
That story gets better and better! ok, so that was the second time I heard it....so what! It has so much power in it! I love it!! I can't wait to see what God does with you Dillon!! Because you are a dangerous christian!! And that's AWESOME!!! I think the reason Satan was comin' on to you so strong last night was because he knows that you are! And he's scared cuz you got the Almighty on your side! WOW!!! That's totally awesome and mind-blowing all at the same time! Take Care, Stay Strong! 1 more day bud, but I encourage you to finish it up as if you still had a year left!! I'm proud of you! Love ya tons bud, thanks for everything!!