The Desert

November 09 2005

So what's up with the 80 degree weather? LOL! Oh well God has been gracious enough to remind us of summer! Hey guys, Jennifer still needs prayer! Do you know how I said she had pancreatitis, well they think she has something else along with that now. (I will let you know when we definitely know what it is) Thank you for your continued prayers! I know I can feel God speaking words of peace to my family, and unifying us! So...yestereday I was in my car, and God gave me an awesome illustration. I was in the desert walking. I had sweat pouring down my face. I was on the narrow road that Jesus talks about. Satan was yelling in my ears, but Jesus was leading me farther and farther into the desert, telling me to stay focused on his eyes. When I got to a certain point, I saw a cross ahead. I said, "God, why is there a cross, I thought Jesus sacrificed enough already." God said to me, "Of course He did, but you have to die to yourself before you can take up the mission I have for you." I realize that in a disciple's walk, God will lead that person on a narrow road that leads straight into brokenness. This brokenness leads to the strengthening of our hearts, and the actual reality of who we are. We get so tired, but Jesus continues to inspire us with his words. Satan is there trying to get us to turn around and pursue a life of self righteousness. But if we overcome the sweat and the tears, if we overcome the trials of life, we find a call of the cross in our own lives. We die to ourselves, so that Christ becomes the ultimate hand throughout our lives. He desires to carry out part of his mission through you. Will you die to yourself?

This is what the Lord God says:
he who created the heavens and stretched them out
who spread out the earth and that comes out of it,
who gives breath to its people and life to those who walk on it, I the Lord have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your right hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison, and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.                               -Isaiah 42:5-7