Brantley (Miles)


Relationship Status







paintball, baseball, God, hunting

Favorite Music

oldies, christian music, country

new strength

August 29 2006

This is the most stressful week of my life! So far i have already had 2 tests this week and 5 quizs I am exasted.  Although there is so much going on I still am able to do things that i thought had no more energy to do.  The reason I believe I am only able to this by the strength of God when I thought that I was not able to do any more I could.  To me that is the greatest thing to think about that God cares enough even though He is the greatest thing in the world He still cares about me and helps me stay up until 2 or 3 studying and then help me have the energy for the next day.  Isn't God great!!!!!!!!!

haha i can writ a paragraph that is not 1 sentence 

Megan Zickefoose

August 29 2006
aww poor Brantly!!hope it gets easier!! Love megan


September 03 2006
1 Corinthians 10:13;God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it. <3 Encouraging word of the day! Luv yah kid (even though sometimes i don't act like it)