August 10 2005
Well I went and got my permit and I passed!!! I missed two. When I missed the second question I started to freak out and thought that I was going to fail the whole test. I was so nervous I was shaking and praying that I would pass and I did it. Just to tell yall that that was the easiest test that I ever took. The first question was rediculous. It said ....What is the car in the picture called.....a.trailor b.automobile c.motorcycle...........duh b. The whole thing was easy.

After that me and mom went to cracker barrel and bought a milk shake. Then we went home and I got my first driving lessons....not really.... more like my tenth....sshhh!!! Well I have driven down the drive way and out on our farm. We drove around the Blackman area.

I was practicing parking in the Blackman High parking lot( I need help on parking) when I got ready to turn onto the road leaving the parking lot these two high school guys were riding their bikes and heading my way and my mom said "act cool katie" well I forgot to turn my signal on I acentdential(sp) turned on the windshill wipers on. The two guys looked at me and I just laughed and laughed so hard.

Well this is the longest entry I have ever done. Oh also me and Keaton have a lot of classes together in high school and I am really excited about that. Well got to go now. Love yall.


August 10 2005

Emily W.

August 12 2005
aww congratulations!!