ups and downs and the rollercoaster of life

May 06 2006

you know when you have a pretty good day, but then something [or a few somethings come up] and it turns to suck?


C+ in history.

kinda wanted a B.

But no.

3 points off.

and those stupidheads have my portfolio thing bc i never got to come by and it has some of the best pictures i've taken within the past few months in it. knew i shouldn't have passed the job along to someone else.

and i'm being such a stupid girl over someone i shouldn't be being a girl over. and the sick part is at this point i'm half pissed at him, half sooo thrilled to be around him this summer. go figure. why can't he just make that one change that will make everything change and then it'd all work out the way it's supposed to, atleast in my head?

i hate being patient.

but i know.

patience is a virtue.

michael buble is going to sing me to sleep now. church in about 8 hours. oh yay. but atleast i get to see my kids- plus i start teaching sunday school on my own in a few weeks! eep! i'm excited tho.

atleast that makes me smile some.



Stephanie .

May 07 2006
i get to see my church babies tomorrow too..... but i never went away since i go to church 30 minutes away from mboro haha