Jane Woodard
Siegel High School
Interesting things? You know, like..... friends, movies, photography, swimming, running..... knitting? Well, okay, I don
Favorite Music
Musicals, Alt. Rock, and other such random genres
Favorite Movies
I would have to say Labyrinth, Bridget Jones, Sliding Doors, and recently I have grown attached to School of Rock.
Favorite Books
The Traveling Pants series and the Abhorsen series
Other Websites
My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps.....
September 25 2005
That song is like the thing that wouldn't die.
It's stuck to my brain.
It's stuck to my brain.
Sara Read
September 25 2005
what you gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk? ahaha, good stuff.
September 25 2005
My humps, my humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps! Oh man weirdest song of all times.