
February 20 2006
MARTUREO - I bare witness too. I have been reading some entries from Jesus Freaks. The thought crossed my mind. What would I do in any of these situations these people found themselves in.... I would like to say I would do the same, but who knows if that is true or not. I want soooo bad to have that type of faith!!!! I feel as if my faith is strong but would i carry it to the point of dieing for it? How awesome would it be to die for God and after you are gone your story would live on and encourage and spur christians behind you to carry God's name to death! I almost wish i could go through a situation like these stories! I long for a passionate pursuit of God that would carry me to that extreme! Oh God I pray oh God that you would ignite a fire in my bones to share your name fearlessly. I pray oh father that you would give me a passion to carry your name to death. I pray father that you would make me a warrior for you and your amazing name! God reveal youself to me. Shape and refine me into the man you want me to be! Oh father, let your wills and passions be my wills and passions!!!! OH GOD DO NOT let me get in the way of what you want to do with me! God humble me and break my heart if I ever am letting this be about me... God I love you! Give me a burning passion to go and share you with others! Give me a faith that is like these martyrs!


February 20 2006

Stacy Freeman

February 20 2006
hahhahahha. j-mo. your so funny. no. but seriously. hahaha.

the brian king kenobi

February 21 2006
i love Jesus freaks.

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

February 21 2006
I definitley know He heard you, and He always listens to you. God loves to hear the sound of His kids' voices. Praise God, man.

the brian king kenobi

February 22 2006
i hate you, most-remarked thief.

the brian king kenobi

February 22 2006
oh, and it's cheap if all the comments come from the same person . . . at least i get all mine legitimately. :P