How great is our God!

January 17 2006

How great is our God! How amazing is our Father! From the beginning
of time to the very end he is the same! Never changing, never ceasing to wonderfully
wanting to mold us into His beautiful and perfect picture of what we were created to be. How great is OUR God!
He has given us victory over this world! He has given us the story of all
stories to go and share!!! He has given us divine gifts to strategically stir
his ongoing story to come into fruitation! How GREAT is our God! He has given
us, mere vapors, the privilege to team up with Him, The Creator of ALL, to help
in this divine story He has set into motion! How great is our God! The earth is
filled with His glory! May we not hinder Him in where he wants to take us and
use us! May we have soft hearts to hear the voice of the living God! May this
generation go out to the ends of the earth and proclaim His wonderful name!!!!!
HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD! We love you God! We want to see you move in our
generation! We want to see you change our hearts and set them on fire for you!
Oh God we love you and want to be used by you! How great is our God! How great
is our God! How great is our God!

Jessica Jo

January 17 2006
Thanks for this post. It was uplifting and inspiring. I love the enthusiasm that you have. ;-)

Bethany Bratcher

January 17 2006

elizabeth duncan

January 17 2006


January 18 2006
i'll "amen" that, too

Drew Mitchell

January 18 2006
Im glad you enjoyed my post on Sara site .