Show Envy

September 18 2005
So, wow.... It's been a whole week.

I'm now down to working two days a week. Good for grades/sanity/life, bad for noble costume/Florida Keys weekend.

I have a gash on both hand and foot from where a mirror insisted on breaking on me. Literally on me. At 1:00 am. This is due to the fact that people senselessly relocate stuff in my room, which irritates me above and beyond the fact that my privacy has been violated. (When it comes to personal dwellings, I am a very private person. Don't mess with mine and I won't mess with yours. So you can see how exponentially annoying this turn of events is.) The fact that personal injury has resulted from someone's lack of neurons prompts me to consider war. Oh, if only I had a military....

Thank you for tolerating my ranting. It's nothing, I promise...

So we had a shindig for Ryan/Leonardo last night, seeing as he decided to visit us from Yon Balmy Florida. Brenda brought a video of the Hack and Slash audition before he got there, and I swear that guy is the luckiest man in the world. He has an amazing act involving pirates and phenomenal swordplay and incredibly quick humour. And he gets paid to do this. I am infinitely jealous, for that is what I could easily do the rest of my life. Except I'm thinking gypsies, or some other Renaissance subculture equally as mysterious and with the means to randomly hack at people without much societal retribution. Who's with me?? Let's scrap all plans for comfortable living and hit the road with this thing. I'll find a bread truck we can furnish, considering someone else bought my awesome beet-coloured 60's-bus.

Apparently I'm going to Coldplay. Anyone else going to Coldplay? Aside from half the knowne worlde, that is.

[Vegan: I still have two of your CD's from last week. We need to find each other (a la "Party Monster") so I can give them back to you. Although they're quite good. Hmmm. You might not get them back after all. Mwahahahaaaa.]

Brett Tenpenny

September 20 2005
I sat at the front of the grass, right at center stage... where did you sit?