
September 11 2005
Wow, that last post was left up longer than it had any need.

I am now the proud owner of 18 feet of plastic pearls. Noble costume, here I come. Although it takes more than 18 feet of plastic pearls [courtesy of Hobby Lobby's ever-expanding Christmas section] to make a noble costume [we're looking at a minimum of 8 yards of fabric for the gown alone], it's still nice to have. I've also got two massive plastic fleurs-de-lis ornaments that I'll hopefully be able to sand down, make 'em look like gold-painted wood, and turn into part of a really cool fan. Possibilities are endless. Now if only I could get that 50-hour sewing project out of the way.... *Bangs head on grouchy sewing machine* [Thanks to the benevolent Woolfolks for their loan of a non-grouchy sewing machine.]

I went out for sushi today with Megan and Leland. First time ever, and got a little adventurous [I'm paying for it now]. It involved squid, octopus, eel, snails, and salmon eggs. Geuh. Those eggs are forever embedded in my mouth-sensory database. It was.... Disturbing. Tasty, but disturbing. I highly recommend the eel, however.

Waking up tomorrow will be interesting, considering I've not yet been conscious for nine hours. This is a disappointment, for I only realised fifteen minutes ago that today was Sunday, and not Saturday. GAHHHHHHHHH.

A tout a l'heure.