Insert Deer-In-The-Headlights Stare Here.

August 30 2005
Sometimes you just feel like you've taken a hit to the gut. Or elbowed in the solar plexus. One.

On the plus side, my French class went quite well [despite being late -- at least I wasn't the latest person there -- ha!] We're reading the first written fairytales, penned at the court of Louis XIV. These are not your Disney classics. For instance, there IS no kindly woodcutter who ambles in at the exact convenient moment to save Little Red Riding Hood. Instead, she becomes Hors D'Oeuvre No. 2.

I'm afraid of what he did to Sleeping Beauty [or, La Belle au Bois Dormant]. Things could get ugly. As many of you know, I have an all-consuming fondness for the story, ballet, and movie.

Still feeling slightly mugged. Hopefully, it'll pass.

I need music.
And a hug.
Someone to love would be nice while we're at it.


August 31 2005