Livid Linguists and the Wonky Worker

August 24 2005
"I feel like the magic in me is slowly dying. After five years without seeing the light of day it's no wonder, but I'm still concerned and clinging to it as desperately as possible. The harder I hold onto it, though, the faster it seems to diminish."

So I took the language placement exam for MTSU yesterday because, hey, I was there and it was there, so why not? I didn't really reflect on the fact that I've not spoken a lick of French since May. So I tested into a 2020 class. I'm absolutely livid. Not only is a certain Disservice To The Female Half Of The Human Race in that level, but 3010 is sooo much cooler. And fits right in with my schedule. And isn't full -- yet. And is exactly what I want/plan to take. Intensive Conversational French. Mmmmm, it's like toffee to the tongue. [I vented my frustrations on an ill-timed retirement plan that was addressed to me in the mail. I proceeded to severely damage this package by hurling it at a window repeatedly until a kitten walked underneath the target and got nailed in the head. Subsequently abandoned packet-hurling for shredding each and every page in the pamphlet, and felt much better.] So Mr. Truax [mon prof de francais] has kindly offered to telephone the foreign language department and see if I can't retake this test-o-doom. I was remembering so many answers as I walked out of the building that it's not remotely amusing. I am rarely [if ever] denied that which I set my heart on months in advance. [So I've only got one example of it, the role of "Ariel" in The Tempest -- sue me.] I've set my heart on Intensive Conversational French. One way or another, I will acquire this course. And it will not be in the spring semester. *Bumbumbummmmmm* *Squinty Eyes*

Yeah, so pretty sure Danny the Dish-Boy is getting mentioned to one manager or another. The guy is ancient and mangy and scruffy, and he makes me uncomfortable. Not physically. Verbally. He keeps asking me when I'm going to "take him riding" in my car; "show me your town;" "take me to the movies with your friends;" and all sorts of crap. The man is really pressuring me on all related issues. And he's not the sort you can chalk it up to insanity or the state known as "senile." He's seriously off. [The fact that he routinely stares at every single underage girls' ass as she walks by does nothing to help his case.] Ugh. Stupid people. I'm perfecting the art of innocently side-stepping, I swear.

Time to troll through eBay....


August 25 2005
Hey girl it's been good seeing you the past couple of days! Well I'm impressed that you were able to test into a sophomore level college class, but if you can get to junior level, whoa, more power to you!